Thursday, February 4, 2010

The world's most unusual laws

The world’s most unusual laws

Posted by paris | paris | Thursday 4 February 2010 1:15 pm

Almost every day new laws are put into action: this is the case of gay marriages, some immigration laws and the tobacco laws. Our societies change daily and our parliaments try to adapt to these changes as best as possible. But sometimes it arouses much debate among the citizens that do not hesitate to demonstrate if they don’t like these new changes. But there are some laws that we probably don’t know about due to their unusual character and they might be difficult to call them laws as such. At least they make us laugh. How about this: in France it was forbidden to call a pig Napoleon!


Some are very funny and others are more serious than they seem. For example, in Israel, it is prohibited to pick your nose on Saturday. In Florida, single women who parachute jump on Sunday may go to prison. In England, a pregnant woman can pee anywhere, even on a policeman’s helmet and in Denver, it is illegal to lend your vacuum cleaner to a neighbour. You see, in all the corners of the planet there are absurd laws…

Which country do you think there is a law prohibiting masturbation? In Indonesia, and you should not smile when you know what’ll happen if you masturbate: the punishment is decapitation. And we continue with another hard one… In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife can legally kill her adulterous husband, but must do so with her own hands. But if it is the man who has been wronged, he can kill his wife in any way he chooses.

Here are some funny ones. In Germany, all the offices have to have a window so people can see the sky, “the sky has to be present in every office”. On Sunday in Rhode Island it is not allowed to sell toothpaste and toothbrushes to the same person. Finally, the cowboys have their own law in Blythe (California): to wear cowboy boots, they must possess at least two cows!

Another strange law in the Philippines: it is forbidden to drive with cars whose number plate ends in 1 or 2 on Mondays from seven in the morning to seven in the afternoon. On Tuesdays the same happens, but with the cars whose number plates end with 3 or 4, and so on until Friday. There are no restrictions for the weekend. In Memphis (Tennessee), there is what seems to be a chauvinistic law: It is illegal for a woman to drive unless there is a man accompanying her, and to warn pedestrians and motorists, women drivers have to wave a red flag. Incredible!

And there are many more… In 2007, The Times published a list of the 25 most absurd laws in the world. It is really hard to understand some of them, right? If you want to keep laughing, go to the French capital, you will have a great time there! For an unforgettable stay, rent Apartments in Paris, they are cheap and comfortable.

Posted via web from barcedona's posterous

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