Friday, February 26, 2010

Satyriasis and nynphomania

Satyriasis and nymphomania

Sex is the most popular conversation topic, the one that sells the most and the one that generates more enigmas. Its omnipresence is indisputable, but there is also a downfall of it that is not taken seriously, despite its consequences: sex addiction. We are not talking about having sex several times a day, but about a severe disease.

Satyriasis and nynphomania

Sex addiction is a disease

Remember, everything in excess is dangerous! Putting limits on certain addictive behaviours such as drug use or alcohol consumption can be as difficult as stopping a nymphomaniac attitude. In both cases, it is an obsessive compulsive disorder that exceeds the person’s control, who gradually becomes a slave to his own discomfort. If the need for sex has an impact that alters the personal, economical or professional life of the subject, we are speaking about an addiction disorder known as hyper sexuality.

It has nothing to do with a dynamic libido, because here the addict suffers a lot. The addict lives sexuality as a distress, he’s gone cold turkey (he suffers withdrawal symptoms like those you get from the lack of drugs, for example) and he seeks an immediate remedy. Once he has his dose, he feels a deep emptiness and guilt invades him, because he realizes that he can not control it. Therefore he does not get any satisfaction from this behaviour.

Satyriasis: male sex addiction

Most cases of sex addiction are men suffering from anxiety, who are afraid of commitment and have difficulty with social relationships. Satyriasis is a behaviour that leads the man to fantasize constantly with erotic situations: finding prostitutes, consuming pornography on the Internet, spending money compulsively on sex, masturbating by any impulse, etc. In extreme cases, some medications are prescribed to reduce this attitude and can also be accompanied by a psychological therapy.

For women, we talk about nymphomania, but due to a lack of scientific studies, we do not have a better understanding of the situation. But there are associations of anonymous sex addicts, one American and another Spanish one, whose websites include a 12-question test to see if you are hypersexual.
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Posted via web from barcedona's posterous

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