Monday, January 4, 2010

Recover your Lost Sexual Appetite

Going to work, picking the kids up from school, going to the supermarket, the dry-cleaners, the gym, preparing supper and finally….to bed. But only to sleep because the day has been exhausting and we don’t have any energy left to dedicate to our partner and our relationship. Have you ever experienced this? Our daily routine is so stressful and exhausting that it doesn’t leave too much time to combine a healthy sex life with our everyday life.

couple in a bath tub

Once we’ve arrived at this point, our libido plummets. When the sexual desire has become lethargic keeping it afloat can be a really hard job. Most people feel that it is irretrievably lost and they blind themselves, burying it more than ever when there is always a solution at hand.

To resolve an issue like this we should know what sexual desire is. This is the stage where certain stimuli produces an active sexual desire which in turn produces a desire to have sexual relations whether alone or accompanied. The lack of sexual appetite can be caused by many physical factors such as hormonal disorders, genital infections, diseases such as diabetes, recent childbirth, menopause or sexual dysfunction. But also the psychological factors and the stress are in many cases, the worst culprits.

Everybody has different sexual phases, where the desire increases or decreases, so it is very important not to confuse low stages of appetite with an ISD (inhibited sexual desire). If the lack of appetite is prolonged, we recommend a visit to the doctor or the therapist to rule out possible physical or psychological causes. If everything is in order, restoring the passion is very simple. With perseverance and patience, everything can be back to normal soon. When the problem resides in the relationship, it is very important to learn how to share sex as a common and satisfactory experience. A fluid communication between both members of the couple is essential for maintaining a healthy sex life: speak openly about your tastes, your troubles, your fears and your sexual expectations. Show an open attitude to your partner’s desires and practice new forms of sex: make your desires and inhibited fantasies come true. Pay attention to the desires and needs of your partner, etc. And remember, if the desire decreases, it is always about a matter of two. If problems persist, ask the help of a professional.

If your desire has evaporated by a lack of time or due to stress, the solution is much simpler: try to find space for your privacy. Disconnect together from the daily problems and obligations. To increase sexual appetite, you can have sex in the most unusual locations. This will put the spark back into your love life. Play together and grant yourself all the time that is necessary with the foreplay: massages, toys, caresses and kisses…try to delay intercourse and this will increase the desire. Viewing erotic or pornographic movies together can be very helpful. Do not neglect the details, the cuddles and the daily approaches. Eventually, many couples put aside these things endangering their sexual lives.

A good way to start the ball rolling might be a romantic getaway to the Catalan capital of Barcelona and it may be the icing on the cake. Rent Barcelona apartments and let your passion take flight.

Posted via web from barcedona's posterous

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