Monday, December 21, 2009

Myths and Realities of The Orgasm | Valencia Blog

The Orgasm, the great mystery - myths and realities

In western societies any satisfactory sexual relation has a clear and unique purpose: to reach a pleasant and, if possible, long orgasm. No matter whether it is when masturbating or when having sex; the orgasm is so significant in the western world, that some people argue that a relationship without an orgasm is not satisfactory (although it should constitute only a part of the intercourse). Let’s analyze more closely the great world of the orgasm, its myths and its realities.


All human intercourse is divided into four phases: excitement, culmination, orgasm and resolution. During the orgasm, which is the third phase, both women and men experience muscle spasms, high blood pressure, palpitations, rapid breathing, twitching, and a sudden discharge of sexual tension. But at the end, an orgasm is a very individual experience to which no theory can be applied. Each person feels it differently, and each time it is unique.

One of the biggest mysteries about the orgasm regards to the female orgasm. Is there a vaginal orgasm? It has always been an eternal debate about whether the vaginal orgasms are possible and if so, whether they are different from those obtained by stimulation of the clitoris. Prestigious researchers and sex therapists say there is only one kind of female orgasm, regardless of whether it comes from the clitoris, the vagina or it is a combination of both. In contrast, other researchers argue that women reach three types of orgasms: the vulval, produced by stimulation of the clitoris; the uterus, caused by vaginal or G spot stimulation and the mixed orgasm, produced by a combination of all three. While the experts do not agree on the types of female orgasms, they agree in reducing importance to the orgasm itself and giving more importance to the ability to express and enjoy sexuality as a whole.

But the female orgasm is not the only one that raises doubts, false beliefs or myths. Also the male orgasm is a very complex world to discover. In general, people tend to think that the male orgasm and the ejaculation are the same, but it isn’t. One thing is to ejaculate, and quite another to have an orgasm. This way, it is perfectly possible to have an orgasm without ejaculating, or vice versa. While it is true that the most common thing is that they happen simultaneously, one can learn how to separate them. Hence, it is very common to confuse the two things with the same phenomenon. Another of the misconceptions has to do with the male multiorgasmia. Many people think that immediately after an ejaculation the erection is lost, but it is not. It is perfectly possible to maintain the erection if the excitation does not diminish, so the man is equally capable as that the woman of having coitus after the ejaculation, and even of reaching an orgasm a few minutes later.

Another of the great myths of orgasm is the simultaneous orgasm. Cinema has to take a lot of the blame for this where the couples always seem to climax at the same time.. But in real life, few couples have simultaneous orgasms. This requires a great coordination, a great self-knowledge and also a great knowledge of your partner. Trying to achieve simultaneous orgasms as a rule can bring serious problems to the relationship. However, if it is only a game, it can be very satisfying and exciting.
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