Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cosmetic Surgery Spain | Plastic Surgery Overseas | Apartments Blog

We live in a society obsessed with the perfect body. Every day we are bombarded through different media with images and slogans of perfect women and men, not coherent with the mundane reality. For better or worse, Spain holds the title of being the EU country where most cosmetic surgery operations are performed with 300,000 operations per year. This means that 882 people had cosmetic surgery every day last year in Spain.


What woman has not  dreamed of having Angelina Jolie’s perfect body? And what man has not fantasized about having the incredible torso of Brad Pitt? Beauty is in fashion and beauty is defined by extreme thinness among girls and steel muscles among boys; adding the eternal youth in both sexes.

The society role model to follow is usually marked by the media with  famous people as perfect examples of beauty. With the new beauty ideal, the society in general, and the youth in particular, lives obsessed with the physical aspect, which supposes an enormous pressure which can cause complexes, insecurities and in the worst cases, depression.

Surveys reveal that only 26% of citizens are happy with their appearance. This is why many people choose to have surgery to correct what they don’t like with their bodies or faces. What before just a few people could afford, now it is within everybody’s reach thanks to the funding facilities offered by the clinics.

In fact, there are more and more children who require plastic surgery. Most of them seek rhinoplasty, breast implants, liposuction or otoplasty (ears correction). It’s very common that children demand a plastic surgery for Christmas or birthday presents and their parents consent it. Young people have no fear of the scalpel, but are afraid of being rejected by their environment and this is why they have plastic surgery although it does have some risks.

What seems clear is that the media and the advertising are the main culprits for the increased demand for cosmetic surgery in all sectors of society.

Although Spain is the  number one country in Europe and number three in the world (after USA and Brazil) as far as aesthetic operations are concerned, it has many other things to offer. Why not  find out for yourself by travelling to the Spanish capital. Sleep in Madrid Apartments and enjoy the best accommodation at a very affordable price.

Posted via web from barcedona's posterous

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