Friday, October 2, 2009

Tourism in Valencia | Valencia Tourism | Valencia Blog

Tourism in Valencia

Cultural tourism, urban tourism, monumental tourism, funerary tourism, ethnographic tourism, shopping tourism, mystic tourism, nature tourism, mass tourism, individual tourism, adventure tourism, business tourism … The list of the different types of tourism seems endless. That little word has become an indispensable part of everyone’s lives. But what exactly is tourism? When did it arise? And how does it influence our daily lives?


First, we should carefully define what we understand as the concept of tourism. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who “travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited”. But when exactly did tourism arise?

It seems that humanity is made only for sightseeing because in ancient times existed the first types of tourism. In classical Greece leisure was very important and the men dedicated their free time to culture, entertainment, religion and sport. A good example is the Olympics, where thousands of people went to have a good time. It was a type of tourism that mixed religion with sport. Also during the Roman Empire humanity was devoted to tourism: hot springs, Roman theatres, great shows… As you can see, the Romans knew how to enjoy life.

During the middle ages there emerged a new kind of travel: the religious pilgrimages. The pilgrimage had existed before, but it spread at this time around Christianity and Islam and its believers went on pilgrimages in large numbers. Some of the most famous are the pilgrimages to the Holy Land from Venice and also the Camino de Santiago. In the modern age the first hotels appeared and the great maritime expeditions by the Spanish, British and Portuguese land discoverers that aroused interest and curiosity to travel.

However, one can say that tourism has grown tremendously in the Contemporary Age. Major changes in society, in industry, in technology and in our lifestyles have helped to achieve what we know today as tourism: a great offer for travelling around the world. The tourism sector has an impressive offer, starting with cultural tourism, scientific tourism, industrial or ethnographic tourism, passing through nature tourism, rural or bird tourism, to sports, adventure or space tourism. Currently you do not need to spend too much time in finding the best tourism offers as there are plenty!

Why don’t you start your journey through the world with a spectacular stay in Valencia? The City of Arts and Sciences provides a multitude of options that will captivate you. Rent apartments in Valencia: the best choice to have cheap and comfortable accommodation.

Posted via web from barcedona's posterous

1 comment:

Rafael calle said...

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