Ok, Bicing was until now a really good Idea, practical and cheap ... but now its just getting like my own nightmare : I take a bike in the morning on my way to work, i´m happy in good mood and arrive at the bicing station near work ok its 7:55 i should be there at 8:00
aaand the station is full no place to put my bike aaarrrghgghgh next station the same, at the end I had to drive 10 min. away so I could put my bike on a station and this is happening like every second day it just cannot be ..... shouldn´t bicing help us Barcelona citizen having a less stressy mor ecological way of life ?? well , its nor really working out for me : I´m just pissed and late to work :P
P.S : By the way each bike I take the last days isn´t working or something is missing, like last time the white crossprotection u can see on the picture just fell down on the middle of the road.
I swear it wasn´t my fault
1 comment:
Hi, my name is Jon Froehlich and I am a PhD student in Computer Science from the University of Washington currently interning at Telefonica I&D. As part of my doctoral research, I’m studying the ways in which technology can be used to have a positive impact on the environment. One of my projects at Telefonica I+D is to study how we may improve the Bicing system. Would you mind posting the following to your website/blog--it would help our research tremendously. I have created three separate language versions but feel free to select and post only one (if you’re willing).
Llamada a todos los usuarios de bicing!
Somos un pequeño grupo científico de Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo trabajando en informatica ecológica y sostenible. En uno de nuestros proyectos, estamos estudiando el sistema Bicing en Barcelona. Nuestro objetivo es aplicar tecnicas de inteligencia artificial e informatica avanzada para mejorar el sistema Bicing y vuestra experiencia con el. Por ejemplo, uno de nuestros objetivos es conseguir que las bicicletas estén distribuidas de una forma más eficiente. Este es un proyecto nuevo y queremos involucrar a la parte más importante del sistema Bicing: sus usuarios!. Por ello, hemos creado una encuesta online para recoger vuestra opinión y experiencia de uso con Bicing. La encuesta solo os llevara entre 5 y 10 minutos y los datos son totalmente anónimos.
Contamos con vuestra colaboración.
English: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56481
Català: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56870
Castellano: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56868
Crida a tots els usuaris de bicing!
Som un petit grup científic de Telefònica Recerca i Desenvolupament treballant en computació ecològica i sostenible. En un dels nostres projectes estem estudiant el sistema Bicing de Barcelona. El nostre objectiu es aplicar conceptes de intel•ligencia artificial i recerca en informàtica per millorar el sistema Bicing. Per eixample, un dels nostres objectius es que les bicicletes estiguin distribuïdes d'una forma més eficient. Com que aquest projecte està començant volem involucrar la part més important del sistema Bicing: els seus usuaris!. Doncs, hem creat una enquesta online per recollir l'opinió de l’ús (positiva i negativa) de Bicing. Trigareu entre 5 i 10 minuts a realitzar l'enquesta, les dades son totalment anònimes.
Esperem la vostra col•laboració
English: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56481
Català: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56870
Castellano: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56868
Call to All Bicing Users!
We are a small scientific group at Telefónica I+D working on "green computing" research. In one of our projects, we are studying Barcelona’s Bicing system. Our goal is to apply advanced concepts in computer science to improve the Bicing experience, so that, for example the bicycles are better distributed in the city. This project is just beginning and we wanted to involve the most important piece of the Bicing system: its users! Therefore, we have created an online survey to acquire feedback about your experience (positive and negative) with Bicing. The survey will only take about 5-10 minutes to fill out and is completely anonymous.
We look forward to your feedback!
English: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56481
Català: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56870
Castellano: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/webq/survey/jfroehli/56868
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